Seiche Dance Collective is Erie's 501(c)(3) not-for-profit performance based dance company creating new work, nurturing emerging artists, and cultivating artistic collaboration while offering adults the opportunity to experience dance through community classes and outreach initiatives.

Create with integrity, excellence, and passion while celebrating the diversity of the human experience.
Bring opportunities for lifelong health and well-being to the greater Erie area.
Create an environment for the adult dancer to nurture their passion and craft.
Present high quality dance performances with professional dancers, artists, and choreographers.
Present dance and artistic material with innovation and creativity.
Explore and expand the fusion of contemporary movement with the rich tradition of ballet.
Promote artistic partnerships and collaboration to enrich the Erie arts community.

What is a performance based dance company?
Seiche Dance Collective will present choreographic works created by local and visiting artists providing performance opportunities for adults.

Why create a dance collective for adults?
Erie has a vibrant and diverse dance community. Seiche Dance Collective presents opportunities for adults to experience dance, including those who seek new experiences through movement as well as trained dancers.